The Crowded Minds

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Join us to have fun, relax, discuss writing. **may contain adult content**

    Copyright, Adult Content Explanation


    Posts : 20
    Join date : 2011-04-28

    Copyright, Adult Content Explanation Empty Copyright, Adult Content Explanation

    Post  Admin Thu Apr 28, 2011 10:55 pm

    Here's an explanation why Copyrighting is such a big deal.

    1. It is listed as one of the four Major Rules.
    2. The web server that controls this forum does check for copyright infringement and can turn us off and even fine us if you break this rule.
    3. It's about the respect issue.

    We all love to read and we love our favorite writers.... let's face it, we're probably the most obsessed fans on the planet. So, how would you feel if you put at least 6 months of effort -blood, sweat, tears- into something just to have people using it left and right with no credit for your hard work. Exactly.

    So, be fair and give the person credit for their work and give yourself credit for your own work. If you don't know, just put "unknown". Just don't take credit for something that you didn't come up with.

    Also with copyrighting...

    To ensure a good environment for free thinking and creative works, please consider any postings of members as copyrighted.

    This board is set up so that only registered users may view the topics posted. If a member wishes to share their work, consider it copyrighted to them. Do not steal their information, ideas, or words.

    Again, it speaks to respect. With personal experience, it really sucks to put a ton of effort into a project to find that someone has copied it and taken credit.

    Mimicry is flattery but verbatim usage is plagarism/stealing.

    Adult Content refers to written sexual scenes from works of FICTION, discussing sexual acts or body parts, adult language, and flirting.

    Cyber is any sexual interaction in a real-time virtual environment.

    Make absolutely certain that your posts do not push past flirting and fun and into a sexual encounter.

    Doing so will result in an immediate and permanent ban since this violates our web-servers NO PORNOGRAPHY rule.

    If you even have a second where you wonder if it will violate this rule, don't post it!

      Current date/time is Sun Oct 06, 2024 10:50 pm